• Renta Novaliana Siahaan Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya
  • Sereati Hasugian Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya
  • Faris Nofandi Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya
  • Alwi Sina Khaqiqi Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya
  • Rizki Adi Pratama Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya
Keywords: Harbor Area, Shipping Route, Tanjung Perak Harbor


Tanjung Perak Port is the initial gateway to Surabaya which handles more than 40% of international goods trade. In this case, the Kertosusilo Gate Area (GKS) has a very important position with its sea area having the busiest shipping lanes in Indonesia with 15,409 vessels operating at the end of 2021. The dense distribution of port activities in sea transportation creates complex problems which impact on delays in cargo delivery in Tanjung Perak Harbor. Problems that arise include sedimentation due to the construction of the Maspion Indonesia Port terminal, narrowing of sea water and changes in sea area which causes narrowing of the Madura Strait sea area, as well as complaints from port users regarding shipping lanes, anchoring areas in terms of depth, area, Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), services. ship guidance and security. Based on these problems, research was carried out on the utilization and needs of the anchorage area at Tanjung Perak Port. Starting with conducting research preparation, collecting data by compiling data related to the general picture of economic growth, especially in the East Java region as well as operational technicalities and conditions of the Tanjung Perak port. So that we can obtain the results of utilization research for a docking area capacity of 20,330 ships per year with a utility value of the docking area at Tanjung Perak Port of 73.5%.


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