Prosiding Seminar Pelayaran dan Teknologi Terapan <p>Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pelayaran dan Riset Terapan merupakan suatu forum satu tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran (STIP) untuk kegiatan deseminasi hasil-hasil penelitian. Forum ini dapat dijadikan ajang bertukar informasi dalam bidang pelayaran dan riset terapan bagi para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi industri, maupun instansi pemerintah.</p> <p>Topik makalah yang diterima untuk dipresentasikan meliputi bidang pelayaran dan riset terapan, diantaranya: Transportasi, pendidikan kepelautan, teknologi pelayaran dan penelitian terapan lainnya.</p> en-US (Asman Ala, ST., MT) (Sekretariat P3M STIP Jakarta) Tue, 23 Aug 2022 04:07:21 +0000 OJS 60 Pengaruh Clearance In Dan Out Terhadap Jumlah Kunjungan Kapal Yang Diageni Oleh PT Buana Lintas Lautan Jakarta <p>Shipping is part of a very strategic marine transportation facility for the maritime world and is a vital means that supports the goals of national unity and integrity and realizes Indonesia's ideals as a world maritime axis and to support the Indonesian economic sector.</p> <p>One of the shipping companies in Indonesia where I practice is PT. Buana Lintas Lautan Jakarta which was founded in 2005. Since its inception PT. Buana Lintas Lautan Jakarta is required to provide the best and maximum possible service to service users, because in the shipping world, service is prioritized, so that service users feel satisfied and have confidence in the management and transportation of their goods.</p> <p>Clearance services in and out of ships is one type of service provided by the company to service users. To maintain the trust of service users who use ship agency services to the company, the service must be carried out briefly and smoothly without being constrained. short and smooth, without experiencing any obstacles. The clearance process for these agencies as a whole should be able to be done in less than 24 hours.</p> <p>However, in the course of handling in and out clearance services, they often encounter several obstacles, including: preparation of complete ship clearance documents at PT. Ocean Crossings is not optimal, the information provided by the agent to the ship regarding the readiness of the ship, both in terms of documentation and physically when the ship arrives, is felt to be lacking, so that when the ship arrives the ship is not ready to do clearance. The lack of communication between agents and related agencies such as (Customs and Excise, KSOP, Immigration, Quarantine and Pelindo) also hampers ship clearance services so that it takes longer. So companies need to reduce clearance processing time so that the number of ships that the company agency can be more more and faster service.</p> Rudolf Bariseva Bagaskara, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Sukmanofith Djulis Copyright (c) 2022 Prosiding Seminar Pelayaran dan Teknologi Terapan Tue, 23 Aug 2022 04:08:08 +0000